22 August, 2016
University of Galway Rejoignez-nous

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Rejoignez nous:

A Hardy seminar will be held in Galway from August 22nd to August 26th 2016, as part of the biennial ESSE conference. It is co-convened by Phillip Mallet (University of St Andrews), Jane Thomas (University of Hull), and two members of FATHOM, Isabelle Gadoin (Université de Poitiers) and Annie Ramel (Université Lyon 2).

All information on the ESSE international conference in NUI Galway is available on the conference site: http://www.esse2016.org/

The seminar number is 36, the subject is « Desire and ‘the expressive eye’ in Thomas Hardy ».

Information on the seminar is to be found at http://www.esse2016.org/seminars.html

Desire and « the expressive eye » in Thomas Hardy:

Thomas Hardy has inspired critics with an interest in the visual arts: many of his texts can be read as « iconotexts » with a powerful « painting effect », even in the absence of any direct reference to painting (L. Louvel). Desire is another theme which has found its way into major criticism of Hardy’s work – the first item in the series being J. Hillis Miller’s Distance and Desire (1970). This seminar will explore the relation between desire and the gaze in Hardy’s work. Is the eye an « expressive eye » (J.B. Bullen), which makes manifest the « positive, dynamic and productive dimension of desire » (J. Thomas), or is it « the evil eye », « full of voracity » (J. Lacan)? We will welcome proposals opening new directions in Hardy criticism, linking the desiring subject / the power of the gaze / the writing process.

The seminar is also advertised on the Thomas Hardy Society website:


If you wish to submit a proposal, please send an abstract before February 28th 2016 (new extended deadline) to the four convenors:

Phillip Mallett pvm@st-andrews.ac.uk

Jane Thomas J.E.Thomas@hull.ac.uk

Isabelle Moragon Gadoin isabelle.moragon.gadoin@univ-poitiers.fr

Annie Ramel annie.ramel@gmail.com